Saturday, March 1, 2025

Uh Oh - we have a problem

“Dearest gentle reader,” - Bridgerton

Just like I said last time, there has been an obstacle within our process of Day 1...

During the filming of Day 1, we thought everything would go as planned and keep our selfs on track, but when we arrived at the location, there were certain obstacles with being able to film it all. SO, we got there and did the outside scenes first. When we were halfway through and ready to film the inside scenes, we asked for permission and it happened to be that there was no manager available that day. Meaning that we were not able to get permission and had to work around it, we were able to do a scene of Halley walking from the inside of the store to the outside. But besides that, nothing else was possible to do inside. However, it was not all bad, they just told us to come back another day and we will be able to film with the manager present. Sooo, stay tuned for a day two. 

Regardless of being able to just come back another day, there is another small issue with the schedule. Previously we had planned around the fact that our team is currently taking part in a national competition named Student Television Network, which means that if anything went wrong during day one, then we would have to adapt. So since we weren't able to get it all, we have to wait until we come back to be able to get back on track and finish it all. For now, we are going to work on what we have so far and soon be on the post-production. 

Here is a picture of the competition I am in: 

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Keeping Up With CCR - Part 3

“Dearest gentle reader,” -  Bridgerton   The journey of the CCRs is almost at the end. Here, I present one of the most interesting questions...