Friday, February 28, 2025

Day 1

 “Dearest gentle reader,” - Bridgerton 

It’s timeee! We have officially started our production process. Let me tell you about our first day of recording. 

During the week, we took the time to start recording our film opening. As said before, our opening is based on one location; however, there are both outside and inside scenes. On the day we went to film, we finished the outside scenes first. Here is a sneak peek at the process of filming: 

That day we filmed ALL scenes outside and even overshoot, which means that later on for post-production it would be really helpful. Having a variety of shots and angles helps us have a wide range of options to pick from in how we want to tell our story. 

After all, there is always a small difficulty. It could be the lighting, or the place, you never know… But, in our case, it was the lighting since the outside scenes are mainly based around the time of dusk and sunset. Which means that if we don’t follow the schedule, we probably will be missing the perfect shot.

For us it wasn’t that hard to be able to get it all, but as time was passing by, and not all was done, it was a bit stressful to know lighting was changing as we went on filming. 

This is how it all started: 

Anddd, this is basically how it looked when we ended: 

But oh well, we got it done and we got THE scene and other nice shots that we took for additional footage. There were some other issues at Day 1 of shooting, but I will tell you that another time. 

For now, Day 1 was a wrap!

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