Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Show the fit? - costume design

 “Dearest gentle reader,” - Bridgerton 

As I had said in a past blog, we were trying to figure out what Halley's style would be. Well, after going through costume design we found the perfect outfit. As I mentioned, we already got done with Day 1 of shooting most of the scenes and the finalized costume for Halley looked like this: 

To finalize the outfit, some digging was needed to find certain parts of it. However, some of the easiest items of the costume were the jeans and the shoes. The shoes ended up being some blue converse and the jeans were a little lighter than the ones we had thought about, but the important part of the jeans was to be baggy and we got that. In the case of the shirt, we had multiple options, such as a white one, and two black ones, but we decided that the one that she was wearing was going to be the best one for her character. For the aspect of her using her iconic headphones, we used my headphones, which are some cable JLB headphones, and we connected them to an iPod that Halley used when she listened to her music. Here is a visual of both items: 

So yea, this is what her outfit consisted of and soon you will be able to see how the film starts to come together! 

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