Friday, February 28, 2025

Day 1

 “Dearest gentle reader,” - Bridgerton 

It’s timeee! We have officially started our production process. Let me tell you about our first day of recording. 

During the week, we took the time to start recording our film opening. As said before, our opening is based on one location; however, there are both outside and inside scenes. On the day we went to film, we finished the outside scenes first. Here is a sneak peek at the process of filming: 

That day we filmed ALL scenes outside and even overshoot, which means that later on for post-production it would be really helpful. Having a variety of shots and angles helps us have a wide range of options to pick from in how we want to tell our story. 

After all, there is always a small difficulty. It could be the lighting, or the place, you never know… But, in our case, it was the lighting since the outside scenes are mainly based around the time of dusk and sunset. Which means that if we don’t follow the schedule, we probably will be missing the perfect shot.

For us it wasn’t that hard to be able to get it all, but as time was passing by, and not all was done, it was a bit stressful to know lighting was changing as we went on filming. 

This is how it all started: 

Anddd, this is basically how it looked when we ended: 

But oh well, we got it done and we got THE scene and other nice shots that we took for additional footage. There were some other issues at Day 1 of shooting, but I will tell you that another time. 

For now, Day 1 was a wrap!

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

THE Scene! - scene development

“Dearest gentle reader,” - Bridgerton 

Before starting the production, I would like to take this time to talk more in depth about THE scene. You may be wondering what scene I am referring to. Well, here is a close-up look at the scene I will be talking about:

I am not the best at drawing, but as you saw, the scene will be a wide shot of the scenario that is happening. This specific scene is one of the most important in our opening, because it reveals part of the film's conflict. To refresh a bit about the conflict, it refers to showing the planet that soon will be hitting Earth, and Halley is looking at it right in front of her. Revealing the conflict helps to integrate the theory that I previously talked about, which is the disequilibrium part of Todorov’s theory. As said previously, it refers to the “initial disruption”, something that disrupts the protagonist’s life, as well as other actions before the climax. When the protagonist recognizes their life has been disrupted, they will work together to repair the situation.

The scene we would like to accomplish is a wide shot that will focus on the planet, Halley would be on the frame and show her walking towards her car. As she walks, she is seen with her iconic headphones that are a part of who she is and her way to block those around her. Then, when she is in the middle of the way to her car, and is when she takes off her headphones and looks towards the planet, but she seems to not care about it. In this moment, she is amazed by the beautiful planet that is purple, orange, blue. We want it to look similar to this: 

(The expected vision of the colors of the sky)

Moreover, the planet will be created by one of our teammates. We divided the parts within the film and he will be in charge of developing the VFX effect, such as the planet. He will talk more about it in his own, but some parts that we have talked about the making of it are that it would be made through a software called Blender. 

Monday, February 24, 2025

Capturing the magic - camera equipment

 “Dearest gentle reader,” - Bridgerton 
After planning the details and story, I faced the dilemma of what equipment to use. Where would I get it? Would I know how to use it? Would it capture every scene correctly? 

I will discuss the equipment my group will use to film our opening. We plan to have two cameras, just in case we need them, as well as a tripod, and DJI camera. 

Here is the equipment we are thinking of  using: 
(Mark 4)

                   (Lens)                                                                                                    (Tripod)

These are a few of the equipment that we believe we will be using for the filming process. Possibly we won't use it all, but it is better to keep in mind more equipment than not having what we need at the time of filming. 

Now, you may be wondering, where would my group get all of this equipment? 
Well, one of our teammates has the DJI, so he will be bringing that equipment to the day of filming. In the case of the other equipment, my group and I have a TV course which has a variety of equipment that we are allowed to check. So, we will be checking out the rest of the equipment and get ready to film soon. 

Having this in mind, we have planned shots accordingly and thinking about camera placement and angles. Keeping up with a plan will help us capture the scenes we wish to film to tell our story. So now it is all about finding the time to get started and we are ready for lights... cameras... action... I will be keeping you up with the production process. And soon enough little by little see our vision come to life. Stay tuned to see the behind-the-scenes!

Sunday, February 23, 2025

The Visual Canvas - Lighting and Set

 “Dearest gentle reader,” - Bridgerton  

In a previous blog, I talked about the location scouting process, which relates to the purpose of today's blog. In this blog, I will discuss the mise-en-scene element of lighting and set. 

As discussed previously our location consists of the inside of a gas station, which we will try to make look like a grocery store with shots, angles, and composition. The set has been established and it would be working with the aisles and elements that we want to use to tell the story within the store. 

In the case of lighting, I will be developing more insight into how we would like to use lighting and the psychology of color to our benefit. Color includes two main hues such as warm and cool, and there are also neutrals. For our film opening, we would like to implement cool hues to help us develop tone, mood, and setting. We will be mostly blues within the cool hues scheme, for the blue would be like a washed-out blue since it is the one that represents sadness and depression. 

Here is a visual of the look we are aiming for with the use of lighting and the set:

The atmosphere is a bit cool, yet there is saturation to make certain items stand out. In the case of neutral colors that will be used, it will be implemented in the aspect of the costume as mentioned in the Costume and Props blog. These colors will have a special role in the character's development. 

For the outside scene, it would change to more warmer color as it is dusk/sunset hours. Pink, violets, and orange will have a role in representing this scene and depict the correct mood for the scene. This moment will be a contrast between her feelings of depression and aw as she is presented with a planet in front of her. 

The lighting will go along with the colors which will all help with the representation of the film's opening development. 

Friday, February 21, 2025

Playing Dress to Impress? - Costume & Props

“Dearest gentle reader,” - Bridgerton 

After taking a closer look at Halley and describing her backstory, I would like to share our process of giving her a style, including costuming and any additional props. Costumes are the element in films which help to guide the story, set a persona, tone, and mood for the character. In the case of props, it isn't always necessary, however, this element is utilized to complement certain aspects of a film. A prop is basically an inanimate object which the character will be interacting with or wearing such as a neclake, headphones, etc. It all varies from film to film and genre plays a role in defining which items are fit for that film. 

For the purpose of our film opening costume and prop are kept simple, yet will help us to portray the characters persona through what she uses. Here is a simple mood board about our character: 

In the mood board we include different parts to who she is and her style. First the girl that is in the picture will be our actress that will play as Halley. The other item are things like her costume, prop, hair style, and colors that go with her persona. Halley's clothes represent that state of depression in which she has been going through, she is just a teenage girl that tries to keep it to herself. For the gas station, she will be wearing some baggy jeans with two shirts. The two shirts will be a brown long sleeve and some kind of oversized shirt on top of it, which portrays her baggy look gives her that sense that she has lost hope and doesn't care for her appearance on a daily basis or at all. 

We decided to give Halley some colors that reflect on what she wear and the aspects of her life. The colors are brown, black, gold, and beige. In the case of her character, black and brown work together to contrast the void that she has as well as her personality of weighed down and just on that feeling of being stuck. On the other had, the color beige represent her lack of motivation and it is correlated to her personality of not caring. 

In regards to the hairstyle, it is yet to be seen. But it is between just being hair down and kind of messy or messy ponytail. Overall, the hairstyle will be working to continue the look of loss of care for her appearance. For the prop, it would just be some headphones, which would work as her way of neglecting her surroundings and ignoring what is happening. The headphones will symbolize a loss of connection with the world as well as being her emotional space in which she feels safe, since there is no outside world noise. She is part of her own world, when having her headphones and just going about her day. 

For now, this is a bit about the mise-en-scene elements of costume and props for Halley, since she is our main character and focus throughout the opening. Soon, I will talk about the other elements like set and lighting, so stay tuned!


De Guzman, K. (2021, November 14). StudioBinder. What is a movie prop - types of film props & why they matter.

Loop Talent. (n.d). The Power of Costume Design: How it Shapes Film Characters. 

Thursday, February 20, 2025

What's that sound? - Audio

 “Dearest gentle reader,” - Bridgerton 

Audio is the following step in making the film opening come together. Most times audio is more important than the visual since it is the element of a film that brings you in and makes you feel like you are there. The sounds implemented can elevate the film by amplifying feelings and transporting the viewer into the world created. 

During the course, I have learned more about the different types of sounds that could be used. Ranging from synchronous sound to voiceovers. Here are some notes I had taken about ALL of the sounds possible:


The film opening will be the true challenge in which to implement some of the sounds that I learned about previously in the year. For now, one sound that will be for sure implemented will be non-diegetic sound. Nondiegetic sounds refer to any sound that doesn't come from the narrative world such as background music. We will be implementing this type of sound as most of our film will be driven by background music, it will help to tell the story and immerse the audience with the use of music. 

Alongside, the non-diegetic sound we would compliment it with synchronous sound to give that sense of place as the story progresses. This way the audience can also hear the environment in which it is based and certain background noises that are relevant to the film. The synchronous sound refers to the sound that the viewer can hear, which is synchronized with the visuals like sounds associated with objects. 

Within our film opening, there will be a scene in which the radio is turned on and there is an announcement made. That would be the use of a voiceover as it isn't something that is visually seen, but more of an element that helps provide necessary information. 

In regards to the music that we will be using we are still in the process of finding the best fit for the purpose of our film, as this is a very important aspect and it even helps to create tone. We are looking for different options to pick from and if they are copyrighted then in the process of asking for permission and all that applies when using copyrighted music. 

These are some of the artists that we have contacted so far and are looking into possibly using their songs. 


BeonAir. (n.d). The importance of sound in film.,being%20depicted%20on%20the%20screen

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Halley - Who is she?

“Dearest gentle reader,” - Bridgerton 

Finding a name is no easy task, there are so many factors that come with it. In the case of the film opening, it allows the audience to know more about the character, it can reveal aspects of the personality and even the individual's background. 

The naming process went a little bit like...

Step 1. Type in Google: "Space names for girls" 

Step 2. Take a look at the different names available: 

Step 3. Finally, find the perfect fit!

So, our main character is Halley (pretty name, right?). Well, let me tell you why it is the perfect fit for the purpose of our film. The name holds a strong meaning and significance. Also, it relates to the space aspect of the film. She has a different personality from others around her. Halley tends to isolate herself from others. But you may think why? 

Although it isn't shown, Halley was previously involved in a traumatic event in her youth with led her to grow up the way she is as she was diagnosed with depression. Halley's personality, she acts as if she doesn't care about anything and her surroundings. She is very self-centered and tries to avoid others. As the film develops, eventually she finds someone who helps her move on and learn the purpose of life. There is a certain connection between her name and her personality; it is said that Halley is a name that evokes strength and valor. In her case, it refers to how she has lived through her life in loneliness and made her careless, yet as she meets this person she is strong enough to push through and learn about how to live. Behind it all, the film brings forth a message of recovery from depression. 

Saturday, February 15, 2025

From an idea to script

 “Dearest gentle reader,” - Bridgerton 

Here I will be showing you the script that was made for our film opening. One of our group members was the one in charge of doing the final script as he was the main writer of the film. With each of our ideas and agreeing for the final piece. He has taken the moment to create the script to have it ready to film! 

The link is here too! Soon I will share the storyboard of the opening as the visual representation of the film. Stay tuned...

Friday, February 14, 2025

Story coming to life - Idea

 “Dearest gentle reader,” - Bridgerton 

As I mentioned, it is time to reveal the full idea my group and I have been developing for the past few weeks. We have decided to think a bit out of the box and go with the genre of sci-fi drama. But for now, let's bring the story to life! 

The film opening will focus on only the first 2 minutes of the film, which has one main protagonist whose name is Halley. She is the main focus throughout the film and it is all mainly about her. There is conflict present which contrasts her own conflict throughout her life. The character portrays herself as not caring and is a bit of an introvert since she doesn't try to acknowledge the surroundings and keeps it to herself. Part of her background is that she has gone through hard times with depression and loneliness, which led her to build a not caring personality. This wouldn't be fully revealed but mostly implied during the film's opening due to the way she acts. The purpose behind Halley's name goes within the theme of the film being it a sci-fi it is because of Halley's comet.

The location of the opening would be at a gas station store as Halley is buying some food and going about her regular day. Yet, the day it all starts brings forth a different environment. As she is shown doing her groceries and taking out items it gets to a point that she is shown from the front and people are around her rushing and there is a feeling of anxiety. But, in her case, she is with headphones so Halley doesn't really notice her surroundings and takes notice of what is going on. 


While she finishes up doing her groceries, chaos keeps unfolding but no response is shown from Halley. She walks outside of the store and sees a planet that is close to hitting Earth, but she doesn't know that yet. As she sees it, some kind of emotion is seen from her but not so much as a worry, just amazed by what is going on. Then, she goes to her car and turns on the radio and that is when she hears the news that there is a planet that is going to hit Earth and there are about five months left. There is when she shows worry, however, she turns off the radio and puts on the location of where she plans to go... Leaving it there for the opening and wondering... 

What will happen next? 

Later on in the film, she gets to her destination and goes on with her day. Then at a point in the film, she meets someone who contrasts herself being her opposite. That individual is who teaches her the importance of life and helps her go through her issues, which part of them are shown to portray that backstory and the why behind it all. Their journey is followed along until the planet ends up hitting the earth, but the difference is that Halley dies happy as she was able to push through her struggles thanks to the help of the other individual. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Theories into action - media theory

 “Dearest gentle reader,” - Bridgerton 

Theories are something that is always heard, but how does it apply to the media? There are many media theories, but these theories are utilized to explore the relationship between people and the media. 

During the class, I have learned a variety of theories, yet I haven’t gotten the chance to apply them to my own work. But, that stops today! Now with my upcoming project, I get the chance to apply any of the theories I wish to incorporate. It ranges from representation theories to narrative theories. In my case, narrative theories have caught my eye, some of them are Todorov’s Narrative Theory of Equilibrium, Binary Opposition Theory, Character Theory, and Narratives codes. 

For the purpose of my group and my film opening, we have discussed and explored the concepts of each theory. Some of the ones we considered to be the best to help our film are Todorov’s Narrative Theory of Equilibrium focused on disequilibrium and the narrative code focused on semantic code. 

Before explaining why this one might be the best fit, I will explain a bit about what each of this entail. 

The Disequilibrium part of Todorov’s Theory refers to the “initial disruption”, something that disrupts the protagonist’s life, as well as other actions before the climax. When the protagonist recognizes their life has been disrupted, they will work together to repair the situation. The semantic code is signed within a production that represents more than just the literal object. 

Here is the information explained that I got from notes in class:

Concerning our film opening, the disequilibrium theory would be applied in the form that within our film there will be a planet disrupting Earth, which falls into that "initial disruption" talked about in this theory. For semantic code, it means that certain items in the film will have a deeper meaning in the character's life as it goes on. It would be a way to include the purpose behind the items the character will pick out from the shelf at the grocery store. 

For now, this is just a basis for the possible theories we will implement and a brief explanation of how it will connect to our film opening. Coming soon the idea will be revealed in further detail, so some details will make more sense. 

But for now, stay tuned! 

Monday, February 10, 2025

Checking in - Group meeting #1

“Dearest gentle reader,” - Bridgerton 

In today's class, students were assigned to share their ideas in small groups with classmates, which are called group meetings. The purpose of the group meeting was to share our ideas and give feedback to each other. I was with 4 other students, and I had a chance to listen to all they had to say. 

My group consisted of my classmates Sarojini, Marissa, Gonzalo, and Sebastian. We all discussed our film opening ideas as well as our blog process. In the group I was in, three of them (Marissa, Gonzalo, and Sebastian) were planning to work with the horror genre. It seemed interesting to see the different approaches each one was going to take within the same genre. On the other hand, Sarojini and I had other genres, which in her case is a romance type of film. 

Here is the group: 

Gonzalo was the first one to talk about his idea. He has a somewhat clear idea of what he wishes to do. However, we gave him feedback on ways he could workshop his idea. The opening felt a bit long, and it included a beginning, middle, and end, similar to a short film. Therefore, we gave him some other ideas and factors to keep in mind so it works for the best in his film opening. Regarding his blog posts, we gave him the suggestion to change the names of the blogs to differentiate which blog he is referring to, as well as to give an intro to the topic in that specific blog so readers know from the start what it is going to be about. 

After Sebastian shared his idea, it is a complex idea as it is based on a restaurant, and the characters have certain traits that they want to be portrayed. Some obstacles that we pointed out were filming at the type of restaurant he wanted to film at and how the issue would be resolved. He told us that one way he had thought about it was to make the shots tight and focus on a small area of the restaurant to not expose too much. There wasn’t a clear enough idea, so I suggested working a little bit more and trying to figure it out. 

In the case of Marissa, she had a more clear idea, yet we suggested to shorten it a bit as it might drag too much. Her idea is about having a guy and a girl, and the girl is some kind of vampire. I liked the idea as it is unique to be made into a horror. The main thing was just to shorten it, but overall, it was a well-developed idea, and the blog is pretty interesting. 

Sarojini told us they are still working on finalizing the idea, but from what was explained, it included a good setting. She has a clear mindset on the mise-en-scene elements, which are a big part of the project. Her blog is well-developed and enjoyable. 

Lastly, I talked about my idea and explained how it will be executed since one of the main comments was if it is even possible to do it. I got mostly questions about the complexity of the film opening and how it would be overcome, and I asked for suggestions regarding the ending to create a bigger impact of the “what will happen next.” An option given was to add in the character saying something within the line of “What is that” to portray confused moments and finally caring for the surroundings. 

Overall, I liked to talk to other classmates and give each other feedback that will be useful as we move on and help to succeed in the process of the film opening. 

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Looking for the perfect place!

“Dearest gentle reader,” - Bridgerton 

Location is where it all comes down to, so a teammate and I got working and started looking for the perfect location. As we live in a city where most places look organized and bright, finding the right fit for our specific film opening could sometimes be difficult. However, after some time searching and searching we have found two locations that have caught our eye, and for now I will show some pictures found online, as we are scouting our location. 

Before revealing the locations, here is a sneak peek at our searching and weighting out options: 

One of the steps that took us to start this location scouting was deciding what we wanted for our film opening. Having a clear idea of what we want to do and the mis-en-scene aspect of the film are key to finding location. As of now, our film will probably be in only one location, which will be a type of market store. 

We were brainstorming if it should be an actual supermarket, gas station store, or a small market. After some time trying to look, we came to the conclusion that a gas station store would benefit our idea and help establish a certain setting within the opening. 

Here are the two locations we have found: 


This location seems fitting as it looks a bit old-fashioned station and the structure of it allows for the idea in mind. Also, it is mostly surrounded by green areas so it could help to cover crowding if we need a moment to be more empty and isolated. 


This is the second option we looked at. It is still a good option, however, we prefer the first one better. It is still up to discussion and final details that will help us succeed in the process of filming. 

After all, both locations are a good option and offer an array of possibilities. 

Friday, February 7, 2025

Staying on Track - Schedule

    “Dearest gentle reader,” - Bridgerton 

Time truly flies in the blink of an eye -- in fact, it's already week two. So, before it's too late, my group and I created a schedule to keep ourselves on track. Time is a valuable element in any production, and having a schedule helps with such. Especially with this class, I have implemented scheduling and planning for most of the projects we have completed. So, before going into anything else, let me present the schedule we are planning to follow. 

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Continue the inspiration - Part.2

"Dearest gentle reader,” - Bridgerton 

And the inspiration must continue... After looking over different film openings and seeing the aspects they include, I realized that credit sequence is one of the most important elements. Credit sequences are the next step in understanding the conventions of a film opening. 

Some films I would like to discuss the credit sequences utilized are: Superman (1978), Mission Impossible - Fallout, and Gattaca.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Time to get inspired - Part.1

“Dearest gentle reader,” - Bridgerton 

As I mentioned before, research is the most important part of this new journey. Especially when going into the unknown waters of an unusual genre that is not my go-to every time I want to watch a movie. So for that reason, it is time to get inspired... I will be presenting some interesting film openings I have found and will help me in the process of correctly developing my own film opening with the right elements that sci-fi and drama films entail. 

1. Back to the Future (1985)

Here I have attached the film opening of this film:

This opening represents the film's genre, as certain elements revealed in just a few minutes foreshadow the setting and the concept of time travel within the film. This movie was directed by Robert Zemeckis with its release being in 1985. There are different choices made during this scene as it includes an array of important information for the development of the film.

The long sequence used allows the audience to follow along and intake the little details that were strategically added to understand the flow of the film. For example, when the TV is seen in a broadcast channel talking about the plutonium stolen it foreshadows the end of the scene when the box of plutonium is seen under the table, giving the audience insight on upcoming scenes and wonder what will be happening next. 

2. Start Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)

 The film Star Wars: Episode IV- A New Hope truly made an impact within the year it was launched. The film truly knows how to captivate the audience and bring back the sci-fi genre to life during this period it wasn't as popular as in previous years, but this film helped to bring it back into society. The film opening includes special effects techniques that were new at the time, yet still have an impact in the present day. The opening reveals a wide range of information by showing the space and main elements that will be key for the content of the film later on.

The opening crawl gives another level to the film as it gives the viewer background knowledge on why the film might be starting that way and it gives the audience something to think about. This film's opening truly establishes the setting from the beginning through the elements displayed even with the style choices within the titles, music, and the futuristic looks of the characters. 

3. Omni Loop (2024)

The film has an interesting approach, as it doesn't reveal the characters at first and instead, it starts with some type of flashback or younger self viewpoint. The younger self-view is a common strategy seen in movies, yet as the opening scene develops - more events are revealed. For instance, we get to know that the younger self-image seen at first is from the lady at the hospital and that she doesn't have much time left in her life. 

Another element that could be an important aspect of the film later on is the green pills seen just at the start that are carried by the girl. This film is categorized as a sci-fi drama, which could be suggested by the dramatic event of the lady dying and the events she is experiencing with her family. The sci-fi aspects are later revealed as she meets the other girl and tells her how she has gone through it multiple times and has yet to figure out how to fix it. However, the opening scene of the little girl could imply a foreshadowing of events and a connection of time within the film. 


Overall, each film portrays different aspects that a film within the sci-fi genre should include. There are multiple approaches one can go for and analyzing the three film openings will truly help my group and me in the decision we make from now on. 


Guild, J. (2020, December 4). The Genius of Back to the Future’s Opening Shot. Cinema & Sambal. 

Swehla, T. (2024, September 19). Omni Loop Takes the time loop idea in a new direction. Movie Jawn. 

Weitekamp, M. (2019, December 19). How Star Wars Revolutionized Entertainment. National Air and Space Museum. 

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Searching for the perfect genre!

   “Dearest gentle reader,” - Bridgerton

As I progress in my journey, I must take my time and further develop the story I wish to share. Therefore, researching is an essential step of this fun journey. Today, I bring forth some of the research I have been doing these past few days about the two genres I am interested in. 

Genre is an important part of any media form due to the different elements that it offers such as creating audience expectations, guiding the story, and creating a certain connection between the film or piece being shown and the audience. Some of my favorite genres are comedy, romance, and action. I love the different aspects of each one and I like certain shows like "The Good Place". However, with this opportunity to try and bring my creative vision to life, I wanted to go out of my comfort zone and try other genres. So, I will be explaining a little bit about the background of drama and sci-fi which are the two genres my group and I are interested in developing.

After all, what is drama and sci-fi in a few words? 

  This short video truly helped me understand all of the genres specifically drama and sci-fi in just a few words as well as examples of movies that include the genres such as Titanic and Star Wars. Drama often includes emotions, realistic subjects, and intense feelings which are portrayed to the audience. On the other hand, sci-fi contrasts this genre as it is focused on a futuristic and most of the time, not real world. 

The genre of drama has different aspects such as the setting, characters, and obstacles. The genre usually shows individuals in their best and worst moments, creating conflict and developing emotions that later resonate with the audiences. The films or TV shows can range from a variety such as being based on real people or it could all be fiction stories. In fact, these films at times include strong messages about the world and society.  

Some tips that I found interesting are the following: 

I will be keeping these tips in mind for the rest of my film opening, so I can achieve the end product I want to make.

Moving on to science fiction... This genre is quite the opposite of drama, yet it could be mixed with it. This genre has been known for decades and it has evolved as time goes by. It even dates back to the 19th and 20th centuries in which major evolutions were seen which revealed the more fictional aspect of the genre. Nowadays, it is a genre that is common and well-known, however, it may be implemented differently by different people. Overall, this genre brings a different approach and special aspects that bring are an amazing addition to the idea in mind for the film opening. Bringing technology, futuristic elements, and new items into a story in which drama could be expected due to chaos, yet, it might all be a new world never seen before... 

De Guzman, K. (2024, December 3). Getting Dramatic: Your Guide To The Drama Genre. Backstage

Hellerman, J. (2025, January 31). Sundance Film Festival 2025 Award winners. No Film School.

Sterling, B. (2025, January 21). Science fiction | Definition, Books, Movies, Authors, Examples, & Facts. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Keeping Up With CCR - Part 3

“Dearest gentle reader,” -  Bridgerton   The journey of the CCRs is almost at the end. Here, I present one of the most interesting questions...