Sunday, February 9, 2025

Looking for the perfect place!

“Dearest gentle reader,” - Bridgerton 

Location is where it all comes down to, so a teammate and I got working and started looking for the perfect location. As we live in a city where most places look organized and bright, finding the right fit for our specific film opening could sometimes be difficult. However, after some time searching and searching we have found two locations that have caught our eye, and for now I will show some pictures found online, as we are scouting our location. 

Before revealing the locations, here is a sneak peek at our searching and weighting out options: 

One of the steps that took us to start this location scouting was deciding what we wanted for our film opening. Having a clear idea of what we want to do and the mis-en-scene aspect of the film are key to finding location. As of now, our film will probably be in only one location, which will be a type of market store. 

We were brainstorming if it should be an actual supermarket, gas station store, or a small market. After some time trying to look, we came to the conclusion that a gas station store would benefit our idea and help establish a certain setting within the opening. 

Here are the two locations we have found: 


This location seems fitting as it looks a bit old-fashioned station and the structure of it allows for the idea in mind. Also, it is mostly surrounded by green areas so it could help to cover crowding if we need a moment to be more empty and isolated. 


This is the second option we looked at. It is still a good option, however, we prefer the first one better. It is still up to discussion and final details that will help us succeed in the process of filming. 

After all, both locations are a good option and offer an array of possibilities. 

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Keeping Up With CCR - Part 3

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