Thursday, February 20, 2025

What's that sound? - Audio

 “Dearest gentle reader,” - Bridgerton 

Audio is the following step in making the film opening come together. Most times audio is more important than the visual since it is the element of a film that brings you in and makes you feel like you are there. The sounds implemented can elevate the film by amplifying feelings and transporting the viewer into the world created. 

During the course, I have learned more about the different types of sounds that could be used. Ranging from synchronous sound to voiceovers. Here are some notes I had taken about ALL of the sounds possible:


The film opening will be the true challenge in which to implement some of the sounds that I learned about previously in the year. For now, one sound that will be for sure implemented will be non-diegetic sound. Nondiegetic sounds refer to any sound that doesn't come from the narrative world such as background music. We will be implementing this type of sound as most of our film will be driven by background music, it will help to tell the story and immerse the audience with the use of music. 

Alongside, the non-diegetic sound we would compliment it with synchronous sound to give that sense of place as the story progresses. This way the audience can also hear the environment in which it is based and certain background noises that are relevant to the film. The synchronous sound refers to the sound that the viewer can hear, which is synchronized with the visuals like sounds associated with objects. 

Within our film opening, there will be a scene in which the radio is turned on and there is an announcement made. That would be the use of a voiceover as it isn't something that is visually seen, but more of an element that helps provide necessary information. 

In regards to the music that we will be using we are still in the process of finding the best fit for the purpose of our film, as this is a very important aspect and it even helps to create tone. We are looking for different options to pick from and if they are copyrighted then in the process of asking for permission and all that applies when using copyrighted music. 

These are some of the artists that we have contacted so far and are looking into possibly using their songs. 


BeonAir. (n.d). The importance of sound in film.,being%20depicted%20on%20the%20screen

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