Thursday, August 29, 2024

Camera Shots/Angle Quiz

 “Dearest gentle reader,” - Bridgerton

We were assigned an ordinary quiz to test our skills and knowledge, learned from previous lessons. In the activity, we were given instructions to tell a story using only 15 shots (10 mandatory and 5 of each creator's choice). A variety of shots could be used to develop, convey, and execute the idea and tone of your story.

We were instructed to use inanimate objects or any human character if we wanted. As well as pre-production was needed to have a proper plan of action before going out to shoot the story.

As we got to work on our project, we decided to show a typical coming-of-age movie scenario in which a kid on his first day of school encounters various issues, such as getting lost and struggling to build new relationships. For our materials, we chose three inanimate objects (pink, purple, and clear bottles). The scenario is based on the school, specifically our 900s building. We chose this scenery and these items because they were the best fit for the school environment as we wanted to develop our coming-of-age shot. The use of water bottles was to have a better representation of two water bottles being friends and a third one being the new kid. To further enhance this concept, there was the use of Post-its to add faces to each item to become a true character. 

I think that the choice of camera shots helps to portray the story's development, and the focus on facial expressions works together to convey the message to the audience. However, I could improve by considering other shots/angles to allow for a better understanding in certain situations like the high angle. 

Here is the link if you are interested to take a look: 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


 “Dearest gentle reader,” - Bridgerton

I come forward to you to present my blog…My name is Oriana and I am more than happy to embark on this journey as I am passionate about the media industry and wish to learn ALL about it! In this blog, I will show my progress throughout the period in my AICE Media Studies course. The progress will include my growth within the field and most of the new knowledge I will gain from the course. As I enjoy the media world I hope to expand and improve my skills in the following months. I can’t wait to see where this journey takes us!

Keeping Up With CCR - Part 3

“Dearest gentle reader,” -  Bridgerton   The journey of the CCRs is almost at the end. Here, I present one of the most interesting questions...